About WSN

Uniting the industry in collaborations to accelerate change


The Winter Sports Sustainability Network (WSN) is a platform for collaboration, learning and joint sustainability action within the winter sports industry. WSN is managed by Peak 63 under the governance of FESI and in partnership with Snowsports Industries America.


WSN was initiated in 2021 with the aim to unite the winter sports industry, share learnings and find new solutions to the sustainability challenges ahead. We are an industry network focusing on:


  • Increasing & sharing sustainability knowledge within the industry
  • Building a platform for collaborations
  • Initiating projects where joint forces are needed to accelerate the change
  • Defining industry standards and agreements for sustainability


The Network is open for companies and organisations with a genuine interest to accelerate change towards a more sustainable winter sports industry:


  • Ski/Snowboard brands/producers

  • Binding brands/producers

  • Boot brands/producers

  • Organisations in the winter sports industry



Other product categories, contributing to industry sustainability, may be considered in the future